On our way to the Dickens Fair, we spent the BART trip chatting with a performer. He turned out to be a sixth of the Brass Farthing, and thus we had extra reasons to go and listen to their performance.
The Berlin Train — from below. This is one of the two DC-9 airplanes standing on display at the air bridge memorial in Frankfurt.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
In Berlin, at Tempelhof, there is a monument standing to commemorate the air bridge between Frankfurt and Berlin-Tempelhof to keep West Berlin sustained during the height of the cold war.
The counterpart, with the other bridge head, stands just east of Frankfurt/Main international airport, together with two of the airplanes used: the Rosinenbomber and The Berlin Bridge.
As we bus from the cityhopper to the terminal, I notice more planes taxiing in as the sun slowly crawls up over the horizon. Travellers race the sun to the Land Under Water.
A neon light traces through this office building at TU Kaiserslautern — through the lower story conference room as well as the upper story office room.
A bird passing overhead attracts the attention of the vicious, and fast, burrowing predator worm. It dislodges the earth as it speeds through to its chosen point of attack, where it suddenly bursts up through the thin shell of the earth, lunging up and spraying the air above it to stun the bird into falling down into its bushy head of micromanipulators, waiting hungrily to rip it to pieces and shove the raw bird carcass down into the worm's maw for later devouring.
Either that, or it's a kind of arid climate plant that has bloomed out.
Admittedly, if you click through and double check the photo date, this is a bit of a cheat — I didn't get around to emptying out my point'n'shoot in time, and thus, the 7 day period I gave myself was already gone by the time I got to this photo.
However, I really love the motif, and rather like the resulting photo, so this once I'll break my own rules.
Woke up early, due to jet-lag and a beepily malfunctioning fire alarm, I look out the window and the sunlight is that gorgeous golden honey, lazily rolling over hills and valleys, glooping along at the slow speed of light. Of course, I do my best to capture the sight as I see it.
You might not spot it, but this tree sports a pink ribbon. My original plan for this picture was to desaturate everything else, and call it “Barren, and concerned about cancer.” but it didn't work out — which might just be for the best.