Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Engineers draped over the stairs

Engineering orientation week winds down

At KTH, where I'm spending my summer, the last weeks of August are dedicated to Orientation Week (nØllning). In its modern guise, this consists of the elder students organizing a whole lot of parties, and various theatrical events – with much of the classical hazing elements replaced by a more clownish approach.

Having my office on KTH campus means, among other things, that I may well walk out straight into one of these theatrical events; this time with students in their coveralls (the modern formal replacement for white tie for student parties that may involve ending up drunk in a gutter) and whiteface draped over the stairs between the mathematics department. (sic!)

1 comment:

  1. Really liked this one because of the movement in the picture - the life , and the artistically slouching students!- The lightplay is gorgous in the staircase.
