Thursday, September 30, 2010

Folsom street fair: devouring hot, stiff meat

The Folsom Street Fair is one of San Francisco's signature events. It's an annual Leather and BDSM street fair, and draws a large crowd both from the subculture and from spectators.

So, at an event like this, packed with public S&M activities, public nudity and more than a few counts of serious public lewdness (I kept a “wanker counter” running during our visit), who am I to turn down the offer to wrap my lips around a hot, stiff, tasty hunk of meat?

Devouring hot, stiff meat

Really, it was the least I could do to try and melt in.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Fin bild! Och fint fotoobjekt!
